
May 4, 2007

We are all trying to improve our lives, even if we don’t make the right decisions in our attempts. Sometimes we forget that everyone is struggling with change.
-- Patrice Gains

At any given moment of any given day, each of us can be found caught in the throes of efforts to change. At any given time, each of us can be seen trying to make a decision to grow this way or that way. We’re all shedding, stripping, pruning, and threshing at the same time, though for different reasons and in different ways. While we know change is good, the trouble comes when we fail to see that others are doing this same thing at this same time. And we’re all unsure, confused, and impatient about how to go about it, which ultimately makes us a bunch of unpleasant people to be around.

While it’s impossible to resist change, for it comes no matter what, it is possible to be gentle and kind with others while you and they grow. The key is to remember that they are children of an awesome God and they were placed on this earth for the sole purpose of serving God. You’ve got to remember that they are human and humans make lots of mistakes. You’ve got to know change changes and you have to give people who are trying to grow room to do so; for one day their change may look one way, the next month or year, they’re on to something else greater and better for themselves. You’ve got to give them credit for even acknowledging a need for change and for having the courage to even attempt such feats.

Come to think of it, while you’re being gentle with other people, be gentle with yourself as you grow, remembering the same things about yourself. If you can do this, then perhaps it will become easier to view others this way. Then, others’ attempts at growth may not feel so annoying, disturbing, harsh, or personal and you can actually go about your business growing and blessing others as they move along their path.

Change is good, inevitable, and we’re all undergoing it. Embrace it in yourself and don’t forget to embrace others who are growing. We all need to know we’re on the same team.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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