
May 21, 2007

The truth is God does not want you to stay in your sorry situation.
-- Esther Davis Thompson

When Jesus took His last breath, He didn’t breathe it so that you could spend your time rushing hurriedly through your days, wishing to dash on past this dreadful event, that cumbersome matter, or those worrisome people. When Jesus asked God why He had deserted Him, Jesus didn’t suffer so that you would spend your days worrying about money – making ends meet, staying above water, and trying to get blood from a turnip. When Jesus had to carry His own cross, He didn’t strain under the weight of the wood for you to make fear and doubt your travel companions, buckle under the slightest pressure, or live your life trapped inside the expectations and demands of others. Jesus died so that you would have life more abundantly.

It’s that simple.

But you know that already. You’ve studied the Word. You grew up with it. You listen to your pastor. You recall conversations with your grandmama. So, why are you still worrying?

Why are you still stuck? Still afraid? Still hopeless? Still depressed? Still burdened? Still angry? Still hiding? Still plotting mutiny? Still in denial?

Perhaps you don’t believe you’re free. Or maybe you just keep taking your eyes off Jesus and have thus lost the way.

Be assured, because Jesus gave His life for you, you have freedom, and nowhere in God’s great universe does freedom mean being held hostage to that which suffocates and snips away at your life. When Jesus died, the heavens opened up so that you would not only live forever, but that while you lived here on earth, you wouldn’t have to live in despair, stay downtrodden, could enjoy good times, and have some fun. You are free. Jesus made that possible when He went through all that stuff for you. Worrying, being afraid, and plotting revenge will not pay your toll.

We are seven weeks on the bright side of Jesus’ death, within the Resurrection season, a time for restoration and renewal. If you have not unchained yourself from what holds you back, it’s not because a way up and out was not made for you. Jesus cleared your path. This is your moment of opportunity to claim and walk boldly along the path.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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