
May 9, 2007

Don’t just plant a seed. Stay to watch it bloom.
-- lam

This season, you tried your hand at having a garden, but when you planted, you just placed the flower and plant seeds anywhere and only sparingly provided water and light to help the seeds sprout. Believing in the resiliency of nature, you really thought you’d done enough by just planting the seeds and leaving them to find their own direction for popping out of the ground and creating something beautiful and aromatic. But all the seeds did not pop up, and those that did, didn’t have enough sustenance to grow towards the sky. They instead stayed close to the ground, wilted quickly, and died an early death.

Think of our children. There are those who have simply been placed anywhere – without care, consideration, or a single drop of knowledge about how to bloom where they’re planted. Caretakers only provide the minimum for keeping these babies alive until it becomes too cumbersome, challenging, or even uninteresting. Then, the little care they’ve given is taken away and the saplings are left to find their own route for standing tall and proud. Many of them are resilient and capable of making their lives push through the dirt and dust. But there are far too many neglected children to be left alone.

But we don’t stick around to help them grow and define their paths. It’s no wonder our homes, schools, and streets are filled with so many unresponsive and unfulfilled children.

Children come into this world designed to receive love and attention, and the slightest neglect is internalized and, ultimately, turned against the Self. Some of our babies live in homes where a parent is absent; some live in homes where the parent who is there is unavailable. Some homes are abusive; some are too restrictive; and others are not really homes at all. They’re simply places where people stay so they don’t have to live under bridges, in shelters, or on borrowed couches for the evening. There’s no love, no compassion, and no regard for any members in the house. Our babies have no idea how to grow productively in such states and environments.

But when someone enters the life of one of these children, someone who is committed to not only planting seeds into an undeveloped, yet fertile life, but who is also available for watering dreams, providing light that shows a way, and fresh air that keeps the senses alert, that child can thrive. When that someone also provides the right temperature – an even, peaceful demeanor and lifestyle – and talks to the child sweetly, gently, and without disdain, that baby can feel loved and supported, which are the cornerstones for making healthy and righteous decisions about ones life.

We all know children who fit this description. You may have even been one of these children. What if no one had believed it was their responsibility to plant seeds in you AND spend time and energy helping you become the wonderful being you are now? What if they got started but later left you on your own? You may have made it, but it certainly would have been harder and taken longer.

Think of our children. Take one, or a few, by the hand and lead them. No matter how wayward they seem or become, stay to help them grow.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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