
May 29, 2007

Some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don’t fit into boxes.
-- Tori Amos

You always were a little bit untraditional; okay, maybe quirky and somewhat unconventional. Your style was always a little too, you know, more than they could handle; a bit exceptional and offbeat. You were the one who did not fit the standard box that said you must live your life in this particular way. No, your arms have always reached outside the box to gather life’s pieces in an order that defies and even laughs at custom.

You’ve never walked a tight line, a line that is fixed and unchanging. In fact, your trail follows more like loops and spirals and twists that become vividly colorful and exciting routes which loosely find their established mark. A straight line for you is lackluster and so commonplace; and since you must get from point A to point B, you figure, why not make it as noteworthy and eventful as you can?

The song you’re singing, that’s not its regular tune, is it? Those aren’t its usual words either, are they? As a matter of fact, you’ve taken the old song and created a new tune, a you tune! You’ve created a special melody that is only reminiscent of that old song, and you’ve made it so catchy that others are catching on and they’re singing your song! Your rips and ad-libs are clever, never heard music like that before! You’re so avant-garde and ahead of your time. What will you think of next?

Love that you do it a little differently. Love that you’re not like other people who are always trying to be like everybody else. If the world had more people who thought and acted outside the cardboard squares, maybe our world would be a different place. At least things wouldn’t be so predictable.

Cheers to doing it any way, all the way, and being the greatest, most wonderful person you can while making life happen your way!

Sadiqqa © 2007

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