This is a good day for living. Follow your heart, sing happy songs, check your attitude, believe in yourself, share your talents, be on time, demand the best, keep your promises, preserve your heritage, reaffirm your faith.
-- Queen Mother Burnece Walker Brunson, “Life Is Like”
This is indeed a good day for living. No matter how hot and dry the day; no matter how early you had to wake up to be at work somewhere within the vicinity of “on time;” no matter how many people rub you the wrong way just by opening their mouths; no matter the number of bill collectors that call you on your job even after you’ve told them countless times not to call there; no matter that the only thing you have for lunch today is peanut butter, crackers, water, and a mint because payday is Friday and all you have in your pocket and your bank account is due to the bill collectors calling you on your job; no matter how long your work day runs beyond your regular hours because the 4:00pm meeting was postponed until 5:30pm and somebody forgot to tell the West coast people on the conference call that you had a life beyond work; no matter how late it is when you get home, only to realize your electricity has been off all day because the power company’s transformers malfunctioned in the heat – and you only know this because you called the power company to be sure you’d paid your bill and got the recording that said they’d already dispatched people to work on the transformer for your area and apologized for the inconvenience; no matter how uncomfortable it is to sleep in one spot because moving would make it hotter in your house, it is indeed a good day for living.
Because if you didn’t live, stay conscious, and value this day, you wouldn’t be able to appreciate the cool air when it clicks back on and fills your house. You wouldn’t be able to share affirming and encouraging exchanges with those who most annoy you, ignoring their insensitivity and pettiness and walking the high road that Jesus walked. You wouldn’t be able to remind the collectors of your billpayers rights since you usually pay your bills on time but just happen to be a little behind right now then feel satisfied when they thank you for that and extend your due date another 3 weeks. You wouldn’t be up for the accolades and opportunities for career and financial advancement you received from sticking with the West coast’s late appointments, and you definitely wouldn’t know how to deal with another day like this when it comes around again.
You wouldn’t be able to follow your heart, believe in yourself, demand the best, or reaffirm your faith if you didn’t keep living, being, listening, learning, going today. Yes, today is indeed a good day for living.
Sadiqqa © 2007
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