
Aug 29, 2007

In the grand scheme of it all, is it really worth the price of beans?
-- Author Unknown

We spend a lot of time obsessing over things that either make no difference or have little, if any, impact on our individual lives. Who cares about Michael Vick and his pit bulls?

Now, before you delete this “Thought...,” for its sheer insensitivity and audacity, Vick’s participation, whatever it was, in the dog fights was abhorrent and worthy of punishment, and the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, certainly have cause to protest and even ask for his suspension and release from the Atlanta Falcons. However, in a country whose sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, and moms and dads are dying or becoming incapacitated daily to protect and resurrect a disastrous government 2 steps shy of collapse and extinction, what difference does it make to you what one man does on his property with his dogs? Yes, it was an immoral act. Okay, established. Yes, he served as a role model to thousands of children who looked up to him and lauded his accomplishments. So! Perhaps it’s our fault that we held him in such high esteem in the first place. Perhaps we need to rethink who we set before our kids as role models so none of us will be all that disappointed.

Today commemorates 2 years post Katrina and its devastation to the gulf coast of America. Except that the flood waters have receded, today, 2 years later, that region still remains largely untouched by relief and rebuilding efforts. Former gulf coast residents are scattered throughout the country and making new roots for themselves, many having given up hope that the government, as promised, was going to do its part to resurrect their sunken cities. There is talk of nominating Michael Chertoff, secretary of Homeland Security – the federal department designed to protect American citizens from harm here at home – as the next Attorney General of these here United States, and, although, if nominated by President Bush for the position, he will receive very hard questioning from our elected officials in Congress. However, the likelihood that the man who bungled provisions and assistance for the lives and livelihood of displaced people will be appointed as the main legal advisor to the U.S. government is very high and extremely disconcerting. Yet, headlines on your local evening news broadcast and criticized an Idaho senator for his misdemeanor private longings and indiscretions. Who gives a damn about that other than his wife, kids, mom and dad? Maybe some of his constituents in Idaho care, but at the end of the day, they’ll still eat, sleep well, and make love to whomever they want.

And do you care that Brittany Spears was spotted in a long blond wig? Do you care that Lindsey Lohan admitted her drug use? Who cares if Lionel Richie’s daughter turned herself in to the police and her best bud was just released from jail? That’s their business. It doesn’t pay our bills, unless you’re their publicist or the reporter who covers their highly overrated the stories. The fact is, they’ll be back on top tomorrow and you will have wasted your time following their next moves.
People are dying in Darfur and Somolia. Haiti, after years of tyrannical rule, was further destroyed by hurricane winds. Six black students and other black residents in Jena, Louisiana can still find no justice for themselves in this “salad bowl” country. Utah residents resignedly await any news about their loved ones lost underground as mining continues without adequate and aggressive regulations and enforcement. The moon was eclipsed by the earth’s shadow which, if you saw it, gave you an amazing sense of your being and the proximity of the world around you. The Southern drought is killing cows because there’s no grass or hay for them to eat. The Midwest floods are driving up the price of corn. The West is still on fire and due an earthquake any day.

Hell, Michael Vicks’ escapades don’t amount to a hill of beans for the price of a dollar.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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