
Aug 15, 2007

Do you ever feel the true you is hidden, even from yourself? There’s only one way to get to the real: by reclaiming emotions you learned to bury a long time ago.
-- Mark Epstein

Well, if you knew how to reclaim those buried emotions, you’d have already done that, right?

And, if you even knew what those emotions were, you’d already be well on your way, isn’t that the truth?

The real truth is that you’ve probably already reclaimed those emotions and run into who you really are time after time but you had no idea it was you and those were the emotions you’d kept hidden because it all somehow got minced in with your everyday routine and the facts of your life.

So break your routine. Do something different that requires you to think about what you’re doing. Do something unpredictable, something that surprises you. Do something so uncharacteristic that you have to stretch to find yourself and a comfortable comfort zone. You’ll find yourself and the hidden emotions will stand out.

It may be a small step, but remember – small steps keep you from being buried.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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