
Aug 8, 2007

I have been carefully prepared to do the work that is before me. By each experience that I have undergone and each person I have known, by every conflict and problem and challenge set before me on my path from the day of my birth until now, I have purposely been made able. I must simply believe this to be so and walk my path to the High Places by knowing this to be so.
-- Esther Davis-Thompson

There are days you think you can’t handle it, nights that seem too hard. The task put before you seems monumental, as though you’ll never accomplish. It all feels too big, too much, too hard. So what do you do about it?


You worry that you don’t have everything you need to make it happen. You worry that you’ll never get all the stuff done to make it happen. You worry about the process. You worry that the people aren’t in place, that you won’t make friends. You worry that you’ll say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing. You worry that you don’t have enough or won’t have enough. You worry that you’ll be stumped, look stupid, or fail. You worry that you’ll be alone. You worry about every piece and part so much that you make yourself sick and not even a dose of chewable Immodium® or Pepto Bismol® every 4 hours will stop the flood that comes from your orifices.

But if you think about it, if you reflect on the last time you had to pull a big, scary thing off, you’ll realize you did it and lived. You had everything you needed to make the thing happen before, certainly things will fall in place this time as well. Why wouldn’t they? You may have to work a bit harder and longer for this may be an even bigger challenge than before, but, so what? Just work harder and longer. You were made for this. You were built tough. You were born a winner. You’ve gone through enough stuff to know exactly how to craft your way through this. You can make it happen.

In the meantime, while you’re waiting for this challenge to pass, stop worrying and just enjoy the journey. Before you know it, that thing will have happened and you’ll be on to the next opportunity.

And don’t worry about that one either.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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