
Aug 9, 2007

Problem... here I come!
-- Esther Davis-Thompson

Everytime you open your front door, there is Problem. Bold, undeniable, in-your-face Problem.

Problem is rude. He never waits for you to open the door. He seeps through the jambs, and sometimes he just barges in and pushes you out of the way.

And Problem’s not just one of those that stays for a little while, you know, like Peace and Bliss who sometimes stay for a minute or two. No, Problem stays around, wearing out his welcome. Sometimes Problem stays so long that Bliss, Peace, and the rest of their visiting friends – Happiness, Contentment, Joy, and Harmony –leave as soon as possible and don’t come back for a very long time. They don’t want to stay around Problem; they just can’t stomach him. Problem comes in and eats up all your chocolate ice cream in one sitting, steals your energy, makes you angry, makes you cry, and has a tendency to bring in his no-good cousins Trouble, Depression, and Crisis. Problem makes your life utterly miserable.

But Problem only stays around until you put him out – you learned that a while ago, a few weeks ago, as a matter of fact, when he came calling. Problem sat around and sat around until you finally said, “I just can’t take this Problem anymore!” You were mad and Problem knew it. He started packing his dirty bags and giving you all the stuff bag he stole – your ability to sleep soundly, your appetite, and your precious smile and laughter. And just like that, he was gone. Well, he was gone after he tried to convince you to let him stay a while longer by telling you that you couldn’t live without him, that you needed him, and that you would be empty without him. While that line of reasoning had worked in the past, this time you were so sick of Problem, you escorted him out and slammed the door on his butt!

But it seems Problem has a thing for you and always returns to make you and your life surly. That’s why he’s at your door today, and he actually likes you surly.

Here’s what you need to do -

Surprise him. Immediately – don’t wait for him to get comfortable – look him dead in the face, right in his eyes, and tell him he no longer has a resting place in your space; you have no more need for Problem in your life. Tell him you are in charge and he can no longer occupy your head or balance himself on your shoulders, weighing you down with his circumstances. Make him know that you will no longer spend your days and nights worrying about him or the damage he’s causing to your psyche because there will be no damage, he’s done. Stomp his toe, give him an elbow in the stomach, and body slam him into the porch (because you didn’t let him in your house, remember?). And then tell him if he even tries to come back, you’ve got more of this for him!

He’ll probably call your bluff and come back again and again and again. That’s just the way Problem is. But every time he comes back, tell him, “Problem, come on! I dare you!” Then knock him out immediately!

Sadiqqa © 2007

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