
Nov 30, 2010

On their way they were healed.

"Jesus looked at them and said, 'Go show yourselves to the priests.' On their way they were healed."    
Luke 17:14 (Contemporary English Version)

On their way they were healed.

Of course this is about the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers on his way to Jerusalem. Remember, they called out for His mercy and Jesus looked at them, then told them to go and present themselves to the priests of the city who would then examine them, determine whether they were in fact clean/healed, and welcome them back among the others living in the city. On their wayto present themselves, to be declared clean, to be welcomed back into society's folds, to partake in sacred rituals and sacrifices – they were healed/cleansed/purified/changed.

Lots of us – not many, I hope – have the notion that once we arrive at our destination, once we've finally made it to the place we've been trying to get all of our lives, then we will be happy/satisfied/ peaceful. Some of us believe that only when we finally have the job/money/house/car/ring and spouse we wanted will we be able to say we have arrived and achieved success.

But what about the time between now and when we reach that destination/goal? What about the "on the way" time?

Won't Jesus look at us and show us little "arrivals"/victory /healing on our way to "that place?"

Like learning how to become the very best at what you do, even being recognized and honored for your work on the way to getting that dream job? Or, successfully/responsibly learning the fine points of maintaining/paying for a smaller home or apartment on the way to signing the mortgage on the big manor? Or, discovering how to love/accept/forgive/respect/believe in yourself/be yourself ("Thought…, 11/25/10") on the way to entering into commitment then covenant relationship with another? Won't you learn some things – by discernment or trial and error, continually/lovingly picking yourself up when it's hard, celebrating when you get it right, and learning more about your power/resilience/depth/gifts along each step and on your way toward the target? Won't that you kept living and doing so in faith and praise be what sustains your on the way?

Jesus didn't wait for the lepers to get to their destination – the priests and their laws – before He brought them healing. In fact, telling them to go see the priests was an indication that healing was already underway.

Likewise, Jesus' waking you up this morning, looking you over with grace and new mercies, and sending you for presentation to the world outside your door is His way of saying to you that healing/peace/wellness happens on the way. So keep going.

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