
Mar 13, 2007

If you want to feel me, better be divine. Bring me water, water for my mind. Give me nothin’, breathe love in my air. Don’t abuse me, ‘cause these herbs are rare.
-- Erykah Badu, “Kiss Me on My Neck”

You really are something to behold. You’re smart, intelligent, ambitious, and confident; clever, creative, resourceful, and dynamic. Your smile is infectious and the enthusiasm you exude spreads like wildfire on a breezy California mountain. Your optimistic outlook about life’s possibilities is refreshing and inspiring amid the overload of negativity and cynicism that floods the world; and your ability to see and feel beyond the surface keeps you tuned into the God in others. You are full of life!

You are quite talented, far beyond what’s considered ordinary. You make the simple remarkable and the plain out of this world. You bring so much savvy and flair to everything you do, others try to mimic your style. But it can’t be duplicated by any means. You were made especially to do what you do, and nobody does it better.

You’re very self-aware. You understand your Self – your motivations, needs, likes and dislikes. You’ve gone inside to do the work necessary for whole living; the work essential for producing and receiving abundance; the work God requires you to undertake to better navigate your journey. You’ve proven time and again you aren’t afraid to unearth pain or too timid to examine imperfections. You are passionate about growing and evolving, learning and discovering. And you do it boldly, with sound and solid purpose.

So why in Sam Hill are you opening the door and keeping it wide open for this person to brazenly walk in and trample your inner sanctuary? Why are you allowing their uncertainty and disorder to seep into what you’ve nurtured to health and break it down into unidentifiable pieces causing you to become disconsolate and unsure? Why are you giving permission to this person to squash your happiness; squander your desire to give honest, unreserved, and shameless love; and take up residence in your heart and mind without receiving any form of recompense in return? Why are you covering with a wet blanket everything that you are just to have this person in your space? Why?


Your herbs are rare. Don’t let them season what doesn’t feel right, look right, act right, or treat you right. Don’t settle, stretch beyond recognition, or make excuses in the name of trying something different. If the person is detrimental to your spirit and brings nothing for you to grow on or go on, you must purge them from your space and send them on their way. Give ‘em the boot, shut the do’, lock it, and go get your peace back!

Don’t allow inside your door, your space, your life people who cannot breathe love in your air and bring you water to keep your heart and mind veins pumping peacefully. Remember at all times - you really are something to behold.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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