
Mar 9, 2007

Begin to cut back on the S’s in your life – sugars, snacks, spirits, salt, seconds, and sitting. -- Gladys Jennings, nutritionist

And while you’re at it - stay out of Shaky, Shady and Shiftless situations. Stop Settling for whatever comes your way. Don’t be Silent if somebody or something is hurting you. Refuse to be a Sucker for anybody. Participation in Self-abasement and -abuse is Suicide. Don’t Saddle yourself with worry and anxiety, they may Sabotage your opportunities and Shackle your dreams. And, wearing Sackcloth too long causes it to become disgraceful and Scratchy.

Quit having unSafe, unSatisfying, and unSanctified Sex. Stop Selling your Self short and your stuff for less than its worth. Close your inner sanctuary to Sapheads, Scalawags, and Scuttlebutts and don’t become so Sated with a thing you no longer desire it. Don’t neglect Spending quality time with yourself. Don’t Say you can’t, you’ll be a Scatterbrain all your life.

Let go of the Salty, Spiteful, Stony disposition. Don’t Scowl or be Surly. Don’t let Sarcasm and Skepticism be the death of your conversations. Spouting and Spewing mean words lead to a Sad and Solitary existence. Stop Sacrificing your peace and that of those around you.

Stop Showing up late, Soliciting gossip, and living on Scandal. Don’t Shoot the Sheriff and don’t Scrap that which is or can become priceless. Keep you pants, breasts, butt, and knees from Sagging. Quit Shouting at and Spanking your kids for everything, and stop trying to Save everybody.

And, please, no more Splitting verbs and putting an s on mine.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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