
Mar 29, 2007

I have come to realize that punctuality, remembering special occasions, timeliness in submitting work and reports, care for vehicles, homes, and possessions, and faithfulness to carry out small tasks diligently and completely are all important and not secondary traits. They may seem like little things, but faithfulness where these are concerned gives a good indication of how I will handle greater things.
-- Author Unknown

You want that big house over there on the hill, the one with the 4 spacious bedrooms; 3 full bathrooms, each with double sinks; wide planked wood floors; and the stone fireplace in the library next to the ample kitchen that has the double ovens, coffee and wine bar, and stainless steel appliances and fixtures. You’d love nothing more than to wake each morning in that home on that hill. But your house down at the bottom of the hill is rundown, unkempt, and behind in the mortgage two payments and late fees. How can you handle a new house when the one you’ve got now is in ruins?

The last time you got an increase in pay, you went to the casino, bought a new wardrobe, maxed out a couple of credit cards, then went broke and cried to the creditors. Not once did you tithe or give money to someone else who may have needed a little. Not even a little did you save any for your children’s education, retirement, or a plain old rainy day. Now you want another raise? To do what with?

You say you’re ready to meet and marry the love of your life? Didn’t you just dump someone because, you said, they were getting “too close” and wanted more from you than you could give? And, you want to really know your Self, but when you find yourself alone, in a quiet place with just you and Jesus, you look for something or someone else to fill that space.

You can’t have more because you haven’t proven you can handle what you’ve already got. You’ve heard it – God doesn’t give you any more than you can handle. That goes for the bad stuff as well as the good. You can’t get the good stuff until you make good of your stuff.

When you can show yourself a good steward of your possessions and your Self, more can be added unto you. Until that time, or at least until concerted efforts are made, why would you be given more or something else to deny that as well? What sense does that make?

Handle with care what you’ve already got then God and the universe He controls will trust you with more.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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