
Mar 5, 2007

... if you are truly ready to put an end to suffering, move around the obstacles, get rid of the pain, find a way out of “no way” and save yourself some grief, here’s what you have to do... Stop talking about what you don’t want! Don’t have! Can’t do! Speak your good into existence with power, dominion, and authority! Move your limited human-self out of the way and watch Divine Mind (the unlimited, ever-present, all-knowing, all-powerful Spirit of God) work for you.
-- Iyanla Vanzant

Maybe it really is as simple as speaking about the good things you want. Maybe saying to yourself and out loud what you can do and what will work are the words it takes for the good things to actually happen. Sounds like a novel idea!

But isn’t it easier to talk about what you don’t have, what’s not working, and what’s going wrong? Don’t we find it easier – and sometimes more comfortable and familiar – to doubt, refute, and negate than to speak about our good, or even acknowledge that there is good? How often have you wanted to try a thing but chalked it up because you believed you didn’t have enough time or money or experience or talent or degrees or ...? Every word from our mouths is about lack. Every thought we think has a “but” in it. How can we ever move beyond where we are, get ahead, or stay sane if the only thing on our minds and tongues is what we don’t, won’t, or can’t have, do, or be?

Today, count the number of times you say don’t, won’t, and can’t then ask yourself why you don’t, won’t, and can’t. Find the path that began the don’ts, remove it, and then dig a new path that will lead you to the do’s. Trace the won’ts back to their origin and dissect them until they become so small they don’t even exist any longer. Trail your can’ts. Why can’t you? Examine the “because” and figure out where it came from and whether it’s legitimate enough to hold to. Honestly determine whether these lack words are keeping you still and stagnant and the making the good stuff inaccessible. Challenge yourself to replace the lacks with plenty of Self-encouragement, effort, and as many I do’s, I will’s, and I can’s as you can stand in one day. Then tomorrow, start all over again.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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