
Oct 17, 2007

Take each day as it comes.
-- Author Unknown

But, what if each day comes with illness and pain?

What if each day comes with confusion and heartache?

What if each day of your life is filled with so much of what you don’t want, you hate to see a new one turn over?

You still must take life one day at a time, no matter where your life stands. With each day, you must live in the moments and do the best that you can with each of them. You can’t live tomorrow today and you can’t go back to yesterday. All you have is today and right now.

If right now you’re living with pain, make a conscious decision to enjoy life anyway. Distract yourself from your pain, tell it to kiss your assets. Do some relaxation therapy like meditation or visual imagery – you can imagine yourself at this very moment free of pain, carefree, on the beach, butterball naked, can’t you?

If taking each day as it comes means that at this very moment you have to suffer through a broken heart, so be it. Grieve your loss. Whether it be the loss of someone you loved through death or a broken relationship or the loss of your human faculties, feel your feelings and think them through; don’t run from them or deny them, call the hurt and anger what it is. Then, do something for somebody else; love on yourself, and spend time with friends and family who make you laugh and feel good about living.

As you take each day as it comes, some days, even lots of days, may not be so good, but you can’t rush your life, this day, or this moment. They come as they come and they’ll go no faster than they’re supposed to. Live each day patiently, slowly, purposefully, and in God’s grace, even when they are less than you like.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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