
Oct 4, 2007

If grass can grow through cement, love can find you at every time in your life.
-- Cher

When love finds you, will you be receptive?

When love comes rising through the cracks looking for you, as it most certainly will – when it’s your turn – will it find you healthy and whole? Will it find you caring meticulously for your body and mind, eating the right foods, drinking liquids responsibly, and regularly exercising your body and mind? When love grows up through the cement, will you be healthy enough to pull it up?

When it taps you on the left shoulder, will you already be happy with yourself? Will you already be satisfied with your life? Will you already feel complete and know that you are beautiful, important, and desirable and that love only comes to complement the wonderful creature you are? Will you know without a doubt that you are worth loving, worth covering, and worth being adored and celebrated? Will you let love kiss and hold you and you kiss and hold love back?

Will you invite love into a clean and clear spirit, nestle it into an already functioning sense of joyfulness and peace? Will love feel welcome in the space of you?

Or, when it slips through, will it be crowded out by bags of stuff? Stuff so thick and tough and unexamined that it suffocates before it even has a chance to blossom? Will love come face-to-face with disbelief, mistrust, defiance, and disregard and have no choice but to rot and die? Will love be extinguished by bitterness and brokenness then balk forever from you, never again to be seen in your neck of the woods?

Just what will love find when it comes through for you?

Sadiqqa © 2007

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