
Jun 21, 2007

You need to get up in the morning and say, “Boy, I’m going to, in my own stupid way, save the world today.”
-- Carol Bellamy

Just down the street from you there is boy who has the most awesome throwing arm and he can hit a ball with as much precision and passion as McGwire and Sosa. He’d really make a great baseball player. The trouble is he can’t seem to get his hands on any good equipment and he has nowhere to play in the neighborhood. Also, his boys only want to play basketball and touch football and tell him his chances of playing baseball are slim to none. Today, so that he can possibly follow that “slim to none” chance, he needs your help in acquiring a good baseball bat and glove. He also needs you to get on the phone with other people in the neighborhood so that a playing field can be created for him and his friends to play in. Today, he needs you. Hope you got up this morning ready to make a difference.

The new lady at your job, the colorful woman that just joined your team, always seems like she’s in another world, and typically people treat her like she’s out of this world. But you simply see a woman who is a little eccentric and has a right to express her idiosyncrasies as she sees fit. Subsequently, she appreciates your acceptance but needs you to go a step further and help others not “get” her, but let her be. She needs you to interrupt the conversations about her unconventional thinking and behavior and redirect them to her capabilities so that the team can get its job done. Today, this woman who makes no excuses for being an oddball, needs you to speak up on her behalf. Hope you got up this morning ready to meet this challenge.

When you got out of bed this morning, your mind may not have been on saving the world. That’s such a monumental task and, of course, you’re not Jesus. But just think, if you help one person, that person can help someone else. If you got that kid some equipment and a place to play, he may become so great that he gets a scholarship to play college baseball. While playing college ball, he so impresses the scouts that he gets a major league deal, and while playing professional baseball, he gives so much time and money back to the kids in your neighborhood, the neighborhood not only has its own team of potential baseball players and coaches, it is the safest and healthiest community to live in. Imagine that! By helping one, you’ve contributed to saving the world.

Think about it like this – driving home during rush hour, you let someone cut in front of you. Thankful, that person then feels generous enough to let somebody cut in front of them, and then that somebody lets somebody else cut in them until finally everybody is on the same road to home. No road rage, no frustration. You have done something to save the world.

It’s the little ways that save the world. If you didn’t get out of bed ready to do your part today, hopefully now you’re ready.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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