
Apr 12, 2007

The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we take so long to begin living it.
-- Author Unknown

The turquoise seas of Cozymel, Mexico where the seaweed floats ashore each morning. The length, history, and adventure of Route 66. The waves of color in the Alaskan night sky. A well-maintained and healthy body. Loving someone with unbridled passion and completely immersing yourself in the love they’re giving you. One day, you anticipate, you’ll get to enjoy all these things. In the meantime, you’ve got to pay the mortgage, childcare, food bill, car note, and every other little thing. Cozymel, abs of steel, and committed love will just have to wait.

But how long will they have to wait? So far they’ve waited so long for your time and attention, they don’t even register anymore as desires. They’re merely faint musings that seem more like fantasy.

Will you wait so long to travel to the places you’d like to visit that by the time you get there, you’re unable to get around without a cane, walker, or Hoveround? Will you put off loving and being loved for so long that you end up settling for any love that comes along just to experience that energy before you perish? Will you wait for the kids to grow up and leave home before you actually do the things you’ve longed to do?

Who says the kids’ll even leave home? Who says you’ll even have time?

All we have is right now, and right now is the time to live, do, and be. Even if it’s a small thing or a short distance, get the thing and visit that place now. Don’t wait. Don’t put it off. Start living and enjoying life now. The clock is ticking and your time is running out.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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