
Feb 21, 2007

You gotta see it before you see it or you never will see it.
-- Karen Clark Sheard, “It’s Not Over”

You can see it. A manor on the mountain overlooking the city below. A 3-car garage for the S-Class Benz, the Continental Bentley, and the Bavaria boat. Timeshares in St. Lucia, Cabo San Lucas, the Canary Islands, and a beach house in St Helena’s Bay, South Africa. And just look at them – 3.28 kids, a spouse that caters to your every need, 2 healthy greyhounds, a miniature horse, and a pond at the bottom of the mountain for your very own freshwater fish. A career with no glass ceiling and no crabs in the barrel. A boss – no, what boss? You are the boss , and you operate a state-of-the-art, cutting edge, frontier of knowledge multinational conglomerate. Wow! There it is. See it?

You can see it. A ranch house on a Magnolia tree-lined street surrounded by a wrought iron fence with grass freshly mowed and tulips, roses, and calla lilies planted aplenty. A 2-car garage and a workshop out back. An extensive art collection garnered from the most renowned and important artists in the country and abroad. Intelligent kids, the ultimate honey, and a vacation in the mountains planned for the end of the month; a trip to the beach mid-summer; and later in the year, an Alaskan cruise for two. Wow! There it is. See it?

You can see it. Your home – paid off. Your bills – paid with money left over. A full tank of gas in the Camry. Food in the cabinets. A clean house with comfortable surroundings in a safe and friendly neighborhood. An abundance of love in your life. Work worth waking up for and being tired from. Pristine health and a hearty spiritual life. Wow! There it is. See it?

All it takes to get this and more is to see it in your mind. If you can see it in your head, you can put arms and legs to it, save the money for it, take the steps toward it, draw deliberate plans on it, scout your options, pray for guidance and discernment, and share the dream with others, and then, it’s just a matter of time before it’s actually yours.

Consider the alternative – you don’t have a dream to contemplate and you can’t see beyond this little bit right here. How can you expect to have anything other than what you already have? You may even think that what you have is already enough. But imagine, if you would, that there is more to enough, that you deserve more than enough, that enough is only a bare minimum and ultimately insufficient. Any of what you dream, any of the good stuff you see in your mind, could be yours if you simply see it happening in your life.

Whether it’s a mansion, a tree-lined street, your bills paid off, better health, or just the lights on when you get home, there it is. See it?

Sadiqqa © 2007

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