
Jun 16, 2008

If our children are to approve of themselves, they must see that we approve of ourselves. If we persist in self-disrespect and then ask our children to respect themselves, it is as if we break all their bones and then insist that they win Olympic gold medals for the hundred-yard dash.
-- Maya Angelou, Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now

You are being watched. Every step you make is observed. Every word you say is noted. The way you treat others is stored for future reference, and the way you treat yourself is being registered inside the annals of a kid’s mind. Exactly what are you showing them?

Are you showing our children how to be the best steward of the lives they’ve been given by caring for your body, mind, and all the accoutrements around you that help to sustain your life? Do you eat a healthy breakfast and the right portions and servings? Do you exercise, drink water, and get fresh air? Do you stretch your mind to keep it in tip-top shape? Do you rest? Can you laugh at yourself and have fun by yourself? Do you cultivate healthy and long-lasting friendships? Are you able to give love and get love unconditionally and without manipulation? Is your home clean and free of clutter? Is your job interesting, challenging, and worth getting up for in the morning? Do you spend your money wisely, save for a rainy day, and pay your bills without falter?

Or, on the other hand, is the only way you watch your weight through a mirror? Do the foods you eat not resemble anything on the USDA food pyramid? Does your physical activity level only involve walking to the refrigerator then back to the couch?

Do you screen your phone calls and only answer if it’s not the bill collector, your family, or the job? Do you step over clothes and papers just to get to your bed? When you open your front door, does the smell of old trash knock you back out of the door?

Are you yelling and screaming every time you open your mouth? Are the words offensive and hateful when they fall from your lips? And when you do open your mouth, is the smell that comes forth foul and oppressive?

How’s your overall health? Are you getting regular check-ups? Are you taking your medication as prescribed? Do you smoke? Drink heavily? Practice unsafe sex? Do you even wear your seatbealt? Or, are you one of those who believe, “you’ve got to die from something?”

Now, mind you, each of us is guilty of something above; we’re not perfect. But are you able to check yourself, pull your reins, and clean up your act – all while allowing your children to see you do so? They know you’re not perfect – they watch you eat a bag of chips and can of dip then lie down on the couch for a nap. But they also need to see you make it right by watching you drink some water and do a few sit-ups.

Children are impressionable. They watch the way we live; they live through us. Our responsibility is to show them how to live the lives God gave us in the most responsible way. When we love, respect, and care for ourselves without reserve, we are a model for our children who learn to properly love, respect, and care for themselves. And when they know love and respect for themselves, you can believe they will do their best to create, advance, and improve all the things of this world.

Our babies are taking notes, putting on the garb, and practicing what they see. Prayerfully you’re providing a good lesson.

Sadiqqa © 2008

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