A watched phone never rings.
-- Coach C. Wiggins
Sometimes the thing we’re expecting to happen never happens. Sometimes the realization of things hoped for take a little longer than we’re comfortable with. Sometimes the wait time for a thing to become true can be so frustrating, you wish you’d never even hoped for the thing.
Possibly the thing you’ve carefully tended and pored over for so long just isn’t ready to bloom. Perhaps the fertile ground you’ve gingerly plowed, toiled over, and planted with premium seed is in its dormant season and nothing that even looks like what you’re longing to see and smell will crown its head. So, do you keep hovering over it, demanding that it provide blooms and bear new growth each season? Maybe you give in to the earth’s latency. Are you then denying yourself the pleasures of something beautiful to see and smell? Maybe you step back from or even give up on the ground where you’ve sown your best seeds in the hopes that if you leave it be, it’ll come into itself and produce a harvest thirsting for God’s sunshine and rain and the tenderness you gave it in its birthing stage. Geez, what are you supposed to do?
Plants, people, situations (and telephones) “ring” in their own time and season. They’ll bloom, evolve, and change if they wish and when they want. The greater tasks for you are to not lose your desire for beautiful and flowering things to see and smell and know that no matter what comes of the ground you’ve worked, you are still capable of nurturing and harvesting fruitful ground.
In the meantime, stop watching the phone. And if it never rings, you’ve still got desire for the sound of its ringing.
Sadiqqa © 2007
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