
Jan 24, 2007

Don’t resist the circumstance. Resist acting like the devil during the circumstance.
-- Dr. Joyce Meyer

Go through, sit in, and be in your stuff. But while you’re there, don’t curse the kids. Don’t not feed the dogs, slam the phone down on your mama, or tell your boss where to go. Don’t be mad at the world just because your stuff is too hard and right now it’s too much. Just because your stuff is making you short-tempered and irritable, and it’s keeping you up at night, when it’s time to deal with the public, don’t lose the God in you.

Anger and resentment only make the situation worse. The Bible says that anger boomerangs and you can spot an angry person by the lumps on their head. Anger exaggerates the anxiety you’re already feeling, making the stuff you’re going through appear even more overwhelming and off-putting, which then cause you to sink deeper into your hole, only to beget more anger and resentment that cause you to snap on the first, last, and every other person in between who even forms their lips to get on your last good nerve. It’s a continuous cycle that may take days, years, lots of apologies, and a multitude of healing to recover from.

Just breathe and study the purpose in your problem. Remember, you’re one of God’s precious babies to whom salve and salvation are given to ease all pains. You don’t have to act a fool while you’re going through.

Now, go kiss the kids and get your job back.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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