
Jan 30, 2007

Guess what I forgot to do this morning?
-- Author Known (but for the sake of embarrassment, the name is withheld)

You walked out of the house this Tuesday morning in your toughest threads - you know, the ones you wear when you need to make a first-class impression and you’re eager to set the day off on its most professional note. You haircut or style is still relatively fresh from Sunday morning. You smell good – you picked just the perfect subtle, yet captivating scent this morning! Your day’s agenda is tight and right, and you’ve got a meeting that will set you above the rest. There is no doubt you are in charge! Do the dang thing!

But you forgot to brush your teeth, and when you open your mouth to give your stellar presentation, a gush of green air flows from the tongue and roof of your mouth and knocks out the boss, potential clients, and the flowers carefully selected by your agency’s florist for this spectacular occasion.

You’ve been so busy caring for your outsides and your journey to the top that you forgot even the most germane of self-care habits. Geez, what else have you missed?

Did you remember, at taking your first conscious breath this morning, to thank Jesus for it? The truth is you didn’t have to have a first conscious breath; your last could have been somewhere between REM and nonREM sleep. Did you remember to tell your loved one how much you love them or how good they made you feel before you walked out the door? Wouldn’t it be hurtful if somebody took your place in doing that?

Did you remember to lock the door? Wear your seatbelt? Thank the people at the Starbucks for making such a good cup of coffee for you? Kiss your kids good-bye before you bid them off to school?

What did you forget this morning in your rush to get on with the day?

Yesterday, did you remember to call the doctor about that ache you’re having in your left breast? To meet your appointment with your endocrinologist, cardiologist, or psychologist? Pray for that friend who’s staying on your mind?

What have you forgotten in your rush to get on with life?

Stop now. Take an inventory of yourself. Did you forget something?

P.S. Always keep a toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash near.

Sadiqqa © 2007

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