
Jul 3, 2007

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
-- Howard Thurman

Does a new day, rich with blessings, opportunity, and possibility, cause you to rise readily from bed and grasp it with gusto, sinking your teeth into its promise and clutching hold of its sparkle, preparing even to reshape with enthusiasm the parts of the day that don’t twinkle and shine? Sometimes?

What if it were coupled with the greatest cup of your favorite morning beverage, hugs and kisses from those who love you, and the birds singing your tune atop your canopied oak tree that shades the veranda off your bedroom balcony? Sometimes?

Would that, together with a comfortable dollar amount in the bank, all your bills paid, the house in immaculate shape and order, your health and that of your family of pristine quality, the refrigerator, you closet, and your friendships well stocked, and the only thing that brings a furrow to your brow trying to decide what of all the things in the cabinet should you make for dinner, cause you to come alive? Maybe? Sometimes?

Well, what if your work was interesting and pleasing, too? What if at the end of each day you could also say you made a difference to and for somebody; a lot of people? And what if you knew that all the effort you put into loving, helping, and encouraging somebody changed their life and caused them to come alive and touch somebody and bring about new life? Yeah? Maybe?

Okay, one more – and if this doesn’t spark a few cells then you should seek professional assistance for your depression. What if, on top of all that, you knew who you were and projected without fear or gaucherie that real you? What if you also knew your purpose on earth and trusted your Self enough to fulfill it? And then what if you could see God’s hand everywhere you looked and feel it in everything you did, from jumping out of bed, sipping your coffee, preparing your dinner, to completing your life work in the best You you have to offer? Would you then be alive?!

Surely so! Even writing this scribe has caused me to want to scale the side of a mountain.

Okay, maybe a tall hill... Maybe I’ll just have another cup of coffee.

Whatever it is that brings you life, that causes you to come alive, enjoy it immensely! You earned it by mere virtue that you’re still living! You owe it to yourself! So don’t just dream about it; don’t just talk about it. The Sugarhill Gang said it best, “Come alive y’all and gimme whatchu got!!” What the world needs now is your life energy now more than ever. The world needs it in order to keep spinning. So, come alive and give us what you got!

Sadiqqa © 2007

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