
Mar 21, 2017

Your journey has less to do with you...

Your journey has less to do with you than it has to do with everyone who will be blessed enough to cross your path… your gifts were never for you or about you.
-- Lisa Nichols

A few days ago, I happened upon a website ( that gave me a free numerology reading. Well, okay, I didn’t happen upon it. I’ve always been interested in the science and significance of numerology, or the patterns and meanings of numbers and their relationship to occurrences and events. Numerology is considered part of the occult, which makes most people nervous because they think it’s about supernatural, dark, and mysterious stuff. Let’s be clear, though. The anointing of Jesus is supernatural and the power of God is incredibly supernatural. Everything under and above the sun, including numbers, exists to inform us about all we should know about the dark and mysterious way of ourselves and others, and certainly about the Super Nature of God. Numerology may have some illusory factors to it, but I’m inclined to be open-minded, and I like the idea that nothing in God’s universe is illogical or happens by accident.

After the website asked for my birth date then full birth name, I got readings that described my life path, expression, and soul urgings. It got a little spooky mysterious because it was as though the computerized man who read my Self to me actually knew me! It was that accurate! I even started over and entered my mama’s and daddy’s information; it was still spot on! Of course, there was much more they were willing to reveal to me if I paid them a little change, which I didn’t do… for now. I’m really interested in learning about my Karmic Lessons, Pinnacles, and some number that helps to reveal my Superpower!

But, most of what my numbers revealed about me, I’d already heard, seen, or felt, so there really weren’t any huge surprises. They merely confirmed that I’m not wrong about myself or arrogant (well, not unnecessarily so) about how I walk this earth. I know I’m a confident and independent leader. I’m good at getting the ball rolling on new projects, but the details and routines bore me. My sense of self is strong; I’m a truth seeker; and have the internal flair for being a visionary. I have a “contagious enthusiasm,” but I’m sensitive and tend to doubt myself/worry about how others perceive me. I am a hopeless romantic and I’m not afraid to express my true feelings, although I feel rejected if my suitor doesn’t respond accordingly. My mind is always working, I stay in my head. I’m a giver and often give more than I receive, especially to people who don’t deserve or appreciate me. But, even in challenges, I’m resilient and outfitted to handle the many risks life poses. So the report summed me up pretty well!

But, while I know who I am, what I had not fully considered was how who I am naturally influences the lives of those I meet and love AND that I have a perpetual responsibility to them to be the best me I can be. In other words, I’m not in this for me. The gifts God has given me aren’t for me, but for others so that they can reach their greatest potential and be empowered to share their gifts and talents with others.

Matthew 5:14-16a says, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they can see your good works…”

Because of the Calling on my life, it is imperative that I am a truth seeker who fearlessly digs deeply into the secrets of the human mind and heart. I don’t do this just for myself – although I am the first recipient of many great epiphanies; I do this for women who also seek to know and love themselves as intensely and absolutely as I do myself. I don’t see the big picture so that I alone can revel about its victories; I see it for women who can’t see past the day or the hour because of the outwardly insurmountable confusion and chaos in their lives. I tend to be a bit aggressive, but I count it as passionate and uncompromising, especially as it helps me advocate for the least of these – us women who are continually marginalized and left to fend for ourselves and our children. I go hard because it’s necessary for me to help create a safe space for us to unearth our power and potency so that all who cross our paths may be whole, healed, and emboldened. 

Because God, the angels, and the ancestors saw fit to allow me to be GG’s mama and the caretaker of over 300 other little hearts each day, I have an obligation to remain optimistic, outgoing, and fun so that the world’s hopelessness won’t suck them into it.  My ability to teach in a positive and uplifting way helps all of my children to understand and manage themselves appropriately. And even when kids will be kids and challenge my desire to help them reach their promise, I am able to bounce back stronger, with more resolve and compassion to dream with them and imagine a future fit for the children of God.

God told me that if I believe in Him, serve His people, and keep His commandments, I can have the desires of my heart (Psalms 37:4). I believe Him! I also believe the numbers when they say that the Honey my heart desires will be a nurturing, mellow, sensitive, ready to put me first, teddy bear of a man who will adore my strength and sensuality, and provide the fireworks my soul and substance crave! So I won’t mourn the countless heartbreaks or the endless frustration; I will be grateful for the lessons and use them to move forward into a love that is inspiring and worthy of me. In love – and loved, I know myself to be exactly who God says I’m supposed to be – encouraging,  supportive, adoring, composed, bold, brilliant, charming, and, most of all, everything my Honey needs to move forward into his destiny and be his absolute best! For him, I am Everything so that he can be Everything!

There are no coincidences, everything on and of the universe conspires for our greatness. The stars, the moon, numbers, letters, the wind, the trees and grass, the sunshine and rain – all created by God’s hands – work magnificently to support and show us the way for others to drink and feed from. Everything exists to affirm who we are so that we can bless others, who will, in turn, manifest their fullest so they, too, can bless others; and we can without conceit say the world does not revolve around us. It, in fact, revolves because of us!

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