
Apr 14, 2008

When you want to believe in something, you also have to believe in everything that’s necessary for believing in it.
-- Ugo Betti, Struggle Till Dawn

If you believe that today will be a good day, you have to believe in your ability to make it the best. You have to believe that others will do their best to make it a good day, and you have to believe that everything in the world is working at its best and doing its part to make it a good day. You have to believe all of this in order to believe it’s going to be a good day.

Tall order? Probably. Unless you can control everybody or everything else in the day. But, geez, who really wants to do that?

What you can control, maneuver, and believe in is you and your abilities to make this day what you want it to be. You can control your first thoughts of the day; hopefully they’re prayers for the people and the world around you. You can control how you leave your home – orderly, full from a wholesome breakfast, loved and kissed on, secure, and eager to return to its comfort. If you can do these things, you can believe when you first hit the public, your day will be a good one.

You can believe your day will be a good one if you can remain calm and even-tempered in morning traffic, especially if you take time to notice the tulips and blossoming trees along your route that have sustained themselves amid precocious weather. Your day will be a good one, if, when you finally make it to the office, you can steer clear of office gossip and idle banter that seeks to usurp your energy, power, and competence while still being a teamplayer who is professionally cooperative and good-natured. Even if others try to stick it to you, beat you to the punch, or pull the rug from under you, if you gave the day, your work, and others your best and most sincere effort and attention, you can believe the day will have been a good one.

If at the end of the day, you can say that you helped someone, that you made a difference for somebody, that you panted a seed for tomorrow, and your head and heart are clear and unfettered, you can know without a doubt that today was a good one. And, frankly, that’s enough. That’s plenty.

You are the key to making it work for yourself, the key to making this day the best it can be. It doesn’t have to involve any one else but you. Of course it would be nice if others fell in line and did what you needed them to do. That would certainly make for a perfect day. But that doesn’t always happen if it happens at all. Really, it’s all about your action and response to the day and the day’s participants and that’s all you can control.

If no one else does their part to make this a good day, you’ve still got and will always have you to make it the best. And that’s something to believe in.

Sadiqqa © 2008

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