My task as a believer is not to inspire those who come out to hear me to believe, but to help open up a space in each of them so that belief, if it ever comes, may have someplace to take root and grow.
-- Renita J. Weems, “Listening for God”
We want to make a difference in the lives of those around us. We teach and instruct, train and model, and do our very best to shape and mold. We give our all hoping that those we touch will go out and do a good thing in, to, and for the world.
But sometimes doing what we do, putting in the long hours of making sure others have all the tools for successful living, is only about preparing the soil for the seed to be planted. Sometimes our task is only about pointing someone in the right direction and showing them which way to go so that they can begin to lay tiles to step forward on.
It may take years for the seeds to be planted, take root, and yield any fruit for the bearer to enjoy and benefit from. It may take a lifetime for tiles to be laid then traveled in a satisfying direction. The important thing is that you helped to start the process by tilling the ground in which the toiling could be done.
And sometimes that’s all you’re supposed to do.
Sadiqqa © 2008
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